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# Cash Cash is an absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers (IE11+) that provides jQuery-style syntax for manipulating the DOM. Utilizing modern browser features to minimize the codebase, developers can use the familiar chainable methods at a fraction of the file size. 100% feature parity with jQuery isn't a goal, but Cash comes helpfully close, covering most day to day use cases. ## Comparison | Size | Cash | Zepto 1.2.0 | jQuery Slim 3.4.1 | | ------------------ | ----------- | ----------- | ----------------- | | Unminified | **36.5 KB** | 58.7 KB | 227 KB | | Minified | **16 KB** | 26 KB | 71 KB | | Minified & Gzipped | **6 KB** | 9.8 KB | 24.4 KB | A **76.6%** gain in size reduction compared to jQuery Slim. If you need a smaller bundle, we support [partial builds]( too. | Features | Cash | Zepto 1.2.0 | jQuery Slim 3.4.1 | | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ | | Supports Older Browsers | ❌ | ️❌ | ✔ | | Supports Modern Browsers | ✔ | ️✔ | ✔ | | Actively Maintained | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ | | Namespaced Events | ✔ | ️❌ | ✔ | | Typed Codebase | ✔ (TypeScript) | ️❌ | ❌ | | TypeScript Types | ✔ (generated from code) | ⚠️ (via DefinitelyTyped) | ⚠️ (via DefinitelyTyped) | | Partial Builds | ✔ (can exclude individual methods) | ⚠️ (can exclude whole modules) | ⚠️ (can exclude whole modules) | If you're migrating from jQuery be sure to read our [migration guide]( ## Usage Get Cash from [CloudFlare]( or [jsDelivr]( and use it like this: ```html ``` Cash is also available through [npm]( as the [`cash-dom`]( package: ```sh npm install --save cash-dom ``` That you can then use like this: ```js import $ from "cash-dom"; $(function () { $('html').addClass ( 'dom-loaded' ); $('').appendTo ( document.body ); }); ``` ## Documentation Cash gives you a query selector, [collection methods](#collection-methods) and some [library methods](#cash-methods). If you need more details about our API just check out [jQuery's](, while we don't implement everything that jQuery provides, pretty much everything that we do implement should be compatible with jQuery. Cash can be extended with custom methods, read how [here]( ### $() This is the main selector method for Cash. It returns an actionable collection of nodes. If a function is provided, the function will be run once the DOM is ready. ```js $( selector [, element] ) // => collection, using `element` as the context $( selector [, collection] ) // => collection, using `collection` as the context $(node) // => collection $(nodeList) // => collection $(htmlString) // => collection $(collection) // => self $(function () {}) // => document ready callback ``` ### Collection Methods These methods from the collection prototype ([$.fn](#fn)) are available once you create a collection with `$()` and are called like so: ```js $(element).addClass ( className ) // => collection ``` Some [extra methods]( are available but disabled by default. | Attributes | Collection | CSS | Data | Dimensions | Effects | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | | [fn.addClass ()](#fnaddclass-) | [fn.add ()](#fnadd-) | [fn.css ()](#fncss-) | [ ()](#fndata-) | [fn.height ()](#fnheight-) | [fn.hide ()](#fnhide-) | | [fn.attr ()](#fnattr-) | [fn.each ()](#fneach-) | | | [fn.innerHeight ()](#fninnerheight-) | [ ()](#fnshow-) | | [fn.hasClass ()](#fnhasclass-) | [fn.eq ()](#fneq-) | | | [fn.innerWidth ()](#fninnerwidth-) | [fn.toggle ()](#fntoggle-) | | [fn.prop ()](#fnprop-) | [fn.filter ()](#fnfilter-) | | | [fn.outerHeight ()](#fnouterheight-) | | | [fn.removeAttr ()](#fnremoveattr-) | [fn.first ()](#fnfirst-) | | | [fn.outerWidth ()](#fnouterwidth-) | | | [fn.removeClass ()](#fnremoveclass-) | [fn.get ()](#fnget-) | | | [fn.width ()](#fnwidth-) | | | [fn.removeProp ()](#fnremoveprop-) | [fn.index ()](#fnindex-) | | | | | | [fn.toggleClass ()](#fntoggleclass-) | [fn.last ()](#fnlast-) | | | | | | | [ ()](#fnmap-) | | | | | | | [fn.slice ()](#fnslice-) | | | | | | Events | Forms | Manipulation | Offset | Traversal | | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | [ ()](#fnoff-) | [fn.serialize ()](#fnserialize-) | [fn.after ()](#fnafter-) | [fn.offset ()](#fnoffset-) | [fn.children ()](#fnchildren-) | | [fn.on ()](#fnon-) | [fn.val ()](#fnval-) | [fn.append ()](#fnappend-) | [fn.offsetParent ()](#fnoffsetparent-) | [fn.closest ()](#fnclosest-) | | [ ()](#fnone-) | | [fn.appendTo ()](#fnappendto-) | [fn.position ()](#fnposition-) | [fn.contents ()](#fncontents-) | | [fn.ready ()](#fnready-) | | [fn.before ()](#fnbefore-) | | [fn.find ()](#fnfind-) | | [fn.trigger ()](#fntrigger-) | | [fn.clone ()](#fnclone-) | | [fn.has ()](#fnhas-) | | | | [fn.detach ()](#fndetach-) | | [ ()](#fnis-) | | | | [fn.empty ()](#fnempty-) | | [ ()](#fnnext-) | | | | [fn.html ()](#fnhtml-) | | [fn.nextAll ()](#fnnextall-) | | | | [fn.insertAfter ()](#fninsertafter-) | | [fn.nextUntil ()](#fnnextuntil-) | | | | [fn.insertBefore ()](#fninsertbefore-) | | [fn.not ()](#fnnot-) | | | | [fn.prepend ()](#fnprepend-) | | [fn.parent ()](#fnparent-) | | | | [fn.prependTo ()](#fnprependto-) | | [fn.parents ()](#fnparents-) | | | | [fn.remove ()](#fnremove-) | | [fn.parentsUntil ()](#fnparentsuntil-) | | | | [fn.replaceAll ()](#fnreplaceall-) | | [fn.prev ()](#fnprev-) | | | | [fn.replaceWith ()](#fnreplacewith-) | | [fn.prevAll ()](#fnprevall-) | | | | [fn.text ()](#fntext-) | | [fn.prevUntil ()](#fnprevuntil-) | | | | [fn.unwrap ()](#fnunwrap-) | | [fn.siblings ()](#fnsiblings-) | | | | [fn.wrap ()](#fnwrap-) | | | | | | [fn.wrapAll ()](#fnwrapall-) | | | | | | [fn.wrapInner ()](#fnwrapinner-) | | | #### $.fn The main prototype for collections, allowing you to extend Cash with plugins by adding methods to all collections. ```js $.fn // => Cash.prototype $.fn.myMethod = function () {}; // Custom method added to all collections $.fn.extend ( object ); // Add multiple methods to the prototype ``` #### fn.add () Returns a new collection with the element(s) added to the end. ```js $(element).add ( element ) // => collection $(element).add ( selector ) // => collection $(element).add ( collection ) // => collection ``` #### fn.addClass () Adds the `className` class to each element in the collection. Accepts space-separated `className` for adding multiple classes. ```js $(element).addClass ( className ) // => collection ``` #### fn.after () Inserts content or elements after the collection. ```js $(element).after ( element ) // => collection $(element).after ( htmlString ) // => collection $(element).after ( content [, content] ) // => collection ``` #### fn.append () Appends content or elements to each element in the collection. ```js $(element).append ( element ) // => collection $(element).append ( htmlString ) // => collection $(element).append ( content [, content] ) // => collection ``` #### fn.appendTo () Adds the elements in the collection to the target element(s). ```js $(element).appendTo ( element ) // => collection ``` #### fn.attr () Without `attrValue`, returns the attribute value of the first element in the collection. With `attrValue`, sets the attribute value of each element of the collection. ```js $(element).attr ( attrName ) // value $(element).attr ( attrName, attrValue ) // => collection $(element).attr ( object ) // => collection ``` #### fn.before () Inserts content or elements before the collection. ```js $(element).before ( element ) // => collection $(element).before ( htmlString ) // => collection $(element).before ( content [, content] ) // => collection ``` #### fn.children () Without a selector specified, returns a collection of child elements. With a selector, returns child elements that match the selector. ```js $(element).children () // => collection $(element).children ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.closest () Returns the closest matching selector up the DOM tree. ```js $(element).closest ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.contents () Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including text and comment nodes. Useful for selecting elements in friendly iframes. ```js $('iframe').contents ().find ( '*' ) // => collection ``` #### fn.clone () Returns a collection with cloned elements. ```js $(element).clone () // => collection ``` #### fn.detach () Removes collection elements, optionally that match the selector, from the DOM. ```js $(element).detach () // => collection $(element).detach ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.css () Returns a CSS property value when just property is supplied. Sets a CSS property when property and value are supplied. Sets multiple properties when an object is supplied. Properties will be autoprefixed if needed for the user's browser. ```js $(element).css ( property ) // => value $(element).css ( property, value ) // => collection $(element).css ( object ) // => collection ``` #### () Without arguments, returns an object mapping all the `data-*` attributes to their values. With a `key`, return the value of the corresponding `data-*` attribute. With both a `key` and `value`, sets the value of the corresponding `data-*` attribute to `value`. Multiple data can be set when an object is supplied. ```js $(element).data () // => object $(element).data ( key ) // => value $(element).data ( key, value ) // => collection $(element).data ( object ) // => collection ``` #### fn.each () Iterates over a collection with `callback ( index, element )`. The callback function may exit iteration early by returning `false`. ```js $(element).each ( callback ) // => collection ``` #### fn.empty () Empties the elements interior markup. ```js $(element).empty () // => collection ``` #### fn.eq () Returns a collection with the element at index. ```js $(element).eq ( index ) // => collection ``` #### fn.extend () Adds properties to the Cash collection prototype. ```js $.fn.extend ( object ) // => object ``` #### fn.filter () Returns the collection that results from applying the filter selector/method. ```js $(element).filter ( selector ) // => collection $(element).filter ( function ( index, element ) {} ) // => collection ``` #### fn.find () Returns selector match descendants from the first element in the collection. ```js $(element).find ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.first () Returns a collection containing only the first element. ```js $(element).first () // => collection ``` #### fn.get () Returns the element at the index, or returns all elements. ```js $(element).get ( index ) // => domNode $(element).get () // => domNode[] ``` #### fn.has () Reduce the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant that matches the selector or DOM element. ```js $(element).has ( selector ) // => collection $(element).has ( element ) // => collection ``` #### fn.hasClass () Returns the boolean result of checking if any element in the collection has the `className` attribute. ```js $(element).hasClass ( className ) // => boolean ``` #### fn.height () Returns or sets the height of the element. ```js $(element).height () // => Integer $(element).height ( number ) // => collection ``` #### fn.hide () Hide the elements. ```js $(element).hide () // => collection ``` #### fn.html () Returns the HTML text of the first element in the collection, sets the HTML if provided. ```js $(element).html () // => HTML Text $(element).html ( htmlString ) // => HTML Text ``` #### fn.index () Returns the index of the element in its parent if an element or selector isn't provided. Returns index within element or selector if it is. ```js $(element).index () // => Integer $(element).index ( element ) // => Integer ``` #### fn.innerHeight () Returns the height of the element + padding. ```js $(element).innerHeight () // => Integer ``` #### fn.innerWidth () Returns the width of the element + padding. ```js $(element).innerWidth () // => Integer ``` #### fn.insertAfter () Inserts collection after specified element. ```js $(element).insertAfter ( element ) // => collection ``` #### fn.insertBefore () Inserts collection before specified element. ```js $(element).insertBefore ( element ) // => collection ``` #### () Returns whether the provided selector, element or collection matches any element in the collection. ```js $(element).is ( selector ) // => boolean ``` #### fn.last () Returns a collection containing only the last element. ```js $(element).last () // => collection ``` #### () Returns a new collection, mapping each element with `callback ( index, element )`. ```js $(selector).map ( callback ) // => collection ``` #### () Returns the next adjacent elements. ```js $(element).next () // => collection $(element).next ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.nextAll () Returns all the next elements. ```js $(element).nextAll () // => collection $(element).nextAll ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.nextUntil () Returns all the next elements, until the provided selector matches. ```js $(element).nextUntil ( selector ) // => collection $(element).nextUntil ( selector, filterSelector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.not () Filters collection by false match on collection/selector. ```js $(element).not ( selector ) // => collection $(element).not ( collection ) // => collection ``` #### () Removes event listener from collection elements. Accepts space-separated `eventName` for removing multiple events listeners. Removes all event listeners if called without arguments. ```js $(element).off ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection $(element).off ( eventName ) // => collection $(element).off ( eventsMap ) // => collection $(element).off () // => collection ``` #### fn.offset () Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to the document. ```js $(element).offset () // => Object ``` #### fn.offsetParent () Get the first element's ancestor that's positioned. ```js $(element).offsetParent () // => collection ``` #### fn.on () Adds event listener to collection elements. Accepts space-separated `eventName` for listening to multiple events. Event is delegated if delegate is supplied. ```js $(element).on ( eventsMap ) // => collection $(element).on ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection $(element).on ( eventName, delegate, eventHandler ) // => collection ``` #### () Adds event listener to collection elements that only triggers once for each element. Accepts space-separated `eventName` for listening to multiple events. Event is delegated if delegate is supplied. ```js $(element).one ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection $(element).one ( eventName, delegate, eventHandler ) // => collection ``` #### fn.outerHeight () Returns the outer height of the element. Includes margins if `includeMargings` is set to true. ```js $(element).outerHeight () // => Integer $(element).outerHeight ( includeMargins ) // => Integer ``` #### fn.outerWidth () Returns the outer width of the element. Includes margins if `includeMargings` is set to true. ```js $(element).outerWidth () // => Integer $(element).outerWidth ( includeMargins ) // => Integer ``` #### fn.parent () Returns collection of elements who are parent of elements. ```js $(element).parent () // => collection $(element).parent ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.parents () Returns collection of elements who are parents of elements. Optionally filtering by selector. ```js $(element).parents () // => collection $(element).parents ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.parentsUntil () Returns collection of elements who are parents of elements, until a provided selector matches. Optionally filtering by selector. ```js $(element).parentsUntil ( selector ) // => collection $(element).parentsUntil ( selector, filterSelector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.position () Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to its `offsetParent`. ```js $(element).position () // => object ``` #### fn.prepend () Prepends content or elements to the each element in collection. ```js $(element).prepend ( element ) // => collection $(element).prepend ( htmlString ) // => collection $(element).prepend ( content [, content] ) // => collection ``` #### fn.prependTo () Prepends elements in a collection to the target element(s). ```js $(element).prependTo ( element ) // => collection ``` #### fn.prev () Returns the previous adjacent elements. ```js $(element).prev () // => collection $(element).prev ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.prevAll () Returns all the previous elements. ```js $(element).prevAll () // => collection $(element).prevAll ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.prevUntil () Returns all the previous elements, until the provided selector matches. ```js $(element).prevUntil ( selector ) // => collection $(element).prevUntil ( selector, filterSelector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.prop () Returns a property value when just property is supplied. Sets a property when property and value are supplied, and sets multiple properties when an object is supplied. ```js $(element).prop ( property ) // => property value $(element).prop ( property, value ) // => collection $(element).prop ( object ) // => collection ``` #### fn.ready () Calls callback method on DOMContentLoaded. ```js $(document).ready ( callback ) // => collection/span ``` #### fn.remove () Removes collection elements, optionally that match the selector, from the DOM and removes all their event listeners. ```js $(element).remove () // => collection $(element).remove ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.replaceAll () This is similar to [fn.replaceWith ()](#fnreplacewith-), but with the source and target reversed. ```js $(element).replaceAll ( content ) // => collection ``` #### fn.replaceWith () Replace collection elements with the provided new content. ```js $(element).replaceWith ( content ) // => collection ``` #### fn.removeAttr () Removes attribute from collection elements. Accepts space-separated attrName for removing multiple attributes. ```js $(element).removeAttr ( attrName ) // => collection ``` #### fn.removeClass () Removes className from collection elements. Accepts space-separated className for adding multiple classes. Providing no arguments will remove all classes. ```js $(element).removeClass () // => collection $(element).removeClass ( className ) // => collection ``` #### fn.removeProp () Removes property from collection elements. ```js $(element).removeProp ( propName ) // => collection ``` #### fn.serialize () When called on a form, serializes and returns form data. ```js $(form).serialize () // => String ``` #### () Show the elements. ```js $(element).show () // => collection ``` #### fn.siblings () Returns a collection of sibling elements. ```js $(element).siblings () // => collection $(element).siblings ( selector ) // => collection ``` #### fn.slice () Returns a new collection with elements taken from start to end. ```js $(selector).slice ( start, end ) // => collection ``` #### fn.text () Returns the inner text of the first element in the collection, sets the text if textContent is provided. ```js $(element).text () // => text $(element).text ( textContent ) // => collection ``` #### fn.toggle () Hide or show the elements. ```js $(element).toggle () // => collection $(element).toggle ( force ) // => collection ``` #### fn.toggleClass () Adds or removes className from collection elements based on if the element already has the class. Accepts space-separated classNames for toggling multiple classes, and an optional `force` boolean to ensure classes are added (`true`) or removed (`false`). ```js $(element).toggleClass ( className ) // => collection $(element).toggleClass ( className, force ) // => collection ``` #### fn.trigger () Triggers supplied event on elements in collection. Data can be passed along as the second parameter. ```js $(element).trigger ( eventName ) // => collection $(element).trigger ( eventObj ) // => collection $(element).trigger ( eventName, data ) // => collection $(element).trigger ( eventObj, data ) // => collection ``` #### fn.unwrap () Removes the wrapper from all elements. ```js $(element).unwrap () // => collection ``` #### fn.val () Returns an inputs value. If value is supplied, sets all inputs in collection's value to the value argument. ```js $(input).val () // => value $(input).val ( value ) // => collection ``` #### fn.width () Returns or sets the width of the element. ```js $(element).width () // => number $(element).width ( number ) // => collection ``` #### fn.wrap () Wraps a structure around each element. ```js $(element).wrap ( structure ) // => collection ``` #### fn.wrapAll () Wraps a structure around all elements. ```js $(element).wrapAll ( structure ) // => collection ``` #### fn.wrapInner () Wraps a structure around all children. ```js $(element).wrapInner ( structure ) // => collection ``` ### Cash Methods These methods are exported from the global `$` object, and are called like so: ```js $.isArray ( arr ) // => boolean ``` Some [extra methods]( are available but [disabled]( by default. | Type Checking | Utilities | | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | | [$.isArray ()](#isarray-) | [$.guid](#guid) | | [$.isFunction ()](#isfunction-) | [$.each ()](#each-) | | [$.isNumeric ()](#isnumeric-) | [$.extend ()](#extend-) | | [$.isPlainObject ()](#isplainobject-) | [$.parseHTML ()](#parsehtml-) | | [$.isWindow ()](#iswindow-) | [$.unique ()](#unique-) | #### $.guid A unique number. ```js $.guid++ // => number ``` #### $.each () Iterates through an array and calls the `callback ( index, element )` method on each element. Iterates through an object and calls the `callback ( key, value )` method on each property. The callback function may exit iteration early by returning `false`. ```js $.each ( array, callback ) // => array $.each ( object, callback ) // => object ``` #### $.extend () Extends target object with properties from the source object, potentially deeply too. ```js $.extend ( target, source ) // => object $.extend ( true, target, source ) // => object ``` #### $.isArray () Check if the argument is an array. ```js $.isArray ([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // => true ``` #### $.isFunction () Check if the argument is a function. ```js function fn () {}; $.isFunction ( fn ) // => true ``` #### $.isNumeric () Check if the argument is numeric. ```js $.isNumeric ( 57 ) // => true ``` #### $.isPlainObject () Check if the argument is a plain object. ```js $.isPlainObject ( {} ) // => true ``` #### $.isWindow () Check if the argument is a Window object. ```js $.isWindow ( window ) // => true ``` #### $.parseHTML () Returns a collection from an HTML string. ```js $.parseHTML ( htmlString ) // => collection ``` #### $.unique () Returns a new array with duplicates removed. ```js $.unique ( array ) // => array ``` ## Contributing If you found a problem, or have a feature request, please open an [issue]( about it. If you want to make a pull request you should: 1. Clone the repository: `git clone`. 2. Enter the cloned repository: `cd cash` 3. Install the dependencies: `npm install`. 4. Automatically recompile Cash whenever a change is made: `npm run dev`. 5. Open the test suite: `npm run test`. 6. Remember to update the readme, if necessary. ## Thanks - **[@kenwheeler](, [@shshaw](, [@jamiebuilds](, [@simeydotme](** and all the contributors who helped making Cash. - **[@hisk](** - The "design focused engineer" behind our awesome logo. ## License MIT © Fabio Spampinato